Yuzu Days

Personal Space

I attended an ESports safety talk presented to some high schoolers the other day and one of the questions the presenter asked was who uses their real name in the handle?

Which made me cringe in slight embarrassment as almost all of my accounts use my name to some capacity.

With this blog and anything it connects to I'm going to try to construct an identity outside of my usual life, but despite being of the internet generation I've never connected with a lot of the practices and sensibilities my peers seem to naturally have.

Another thing I struggle with navigating in the online world is how much information is too much information. Sometimes its about does anyone even care, but other times its reflecting all the horror stories you hear of identity theft, phishing attacks, or stalking.

When one hopes to be successful online or create any sort of presence, there is a general few rules of foreverness and vulnerability.

And as a last point I just thought of on a completely different tangent :) I find the uptake in decentralised social sites like Mastodon and Misskey fascinating insofar as one core consequence of the decentralised nature of the platform being that deleting something doesn't mean its gone. Its something I find interesting no one talks about as it grows and grows with Meta implementing the system into their threads app.

Maybe I'm too out of touch to feel comfortable with that being an intended feature instead of a vulnerability of public content, but all the warnings on decentralised apps tells me that some people don't understand the risks of using these technologies.

What is on the internet stays on the internet, but so far we haven't used the internet that way. Platforms like twitter and youtube have systems to 'delete' data which either makes it harder to find (through archive or reupload) or well and truly gone (unless Google and the likes are secretly retaining this data for some reason).

I think I'll find the internet of the future a very stressful place to navigate, but maybe through this blog and identity I can learn how to be safe, cautious, and me.

Thanks for reading xd