Yuzu Days

The Light Bulb Tax

Light bulbs don't need to expire.

In the quest to make the greatest product ever, surely one that lasts forever and is durable is worth making and selling. The problem becomes the long term sustainability of such a product in a capitalist system.

If your economic system relies on growth or continuous production and consumption, then a product that you buy once and then not again for a very long time is not sustainable.

Introducing the subscription model. People want a good product. You need a steady stream of money to maintain production, pay for R&D, and be around to support customers. Thus if you agree to provide the product and service and the customer agrees to give you money problem solved.

The question then becomes, how do you stop the customer running away?

If the light bulb always works then what makes them keep paying you? The answer becomes the enshittification of the light bulb. From intermediary devices that connect to the internet to mob era intimidation (pay up or your lights go out), something must be used to ensure the customer keeps paying.

Enter tax. Say a government funds, steals, or develops the perfect lightbulb. Why not roll it out to everyone and recoup the costs via taxes? The initial roll out and sustainable logistics might be complicated to sort out, but it could work no?

People will say its communism. I say its being sensible about sustainability and access. If we can save on waste, production, and disposable income why not?

I will end with noting that East Germany during the Cold War did this with glasses (the drinking kind) but they did it as an industry and ran out of market and capital. They did not figure out the right balance and system. It doesn't mean it can't work, but that it won't work in that system in that way.

End Capitalism. Make the world a better and more sustainable place :)