Yuzu Days

WC 10: Choo Rubbles

Kisha looks at their watch. Their mouth thins, forming a tired expression. 1hr to go they think to themselves. They lean back against the seat once more and close their eyes.

Kisha walks into the office, sluggishly taking off and hanging up their coat.

"Morning Kisha" the receptionist says, greeting Kisha with a warm, pleasant smile.

Kisha just nods, as they always do, and heads inside the work area.

Rows of cubicles line the floor and endless keys being hit, drinks being slurped, murmured conversations, and the occasional phone ring fills the air.

Kisha looks around and spots Kevin at the drinks station filling his cup.

"Morning Kisha" Kevin says as Kisha approaches. "Here's your tea".

Kisha takes the cup from Kevin and smiles.

"No worries" Kevin replies, walking away back to his desk before Kisha can even say anything.

"Kisha!" someone shouts. Turning around Kisha spots their manager waving them over.

Kisha hurries into her office and sits down. The manager closes the door and joins them.

"You've really become part of the team here over the past 7 years haven't you Kisha?"

Their manager has that empty customer service smile plastered as widely as she can comfortably manage across her face.

"You've been so good that management wants you up north in Magn City. You've been promoted!"

Her face tells Kisha a different story. A recent hire had recently gotten into an argument with Kisha over how to format a graph best for both presentation and printed report. Clearly the new hire had complained and they wanted that person more than Kisha.

Kisha smiles back and opens their mouth to speak.

"There's no need for all that. We've already prepared everything, so if you go home now and pack up your house a moving company will pick it all up tomorrow morning and your train is in the afternoon. They'll be expecting you in the office day after bright and blooming and ready to jump right in."

Kisha closes their mouth. Nods, and allows themself to be shown out.

They go to their desk that they've had for 7 years and grab a few mementos. A framed team picture. The pen with their name engraved on it. A rubber duck dressed up like a salaryman.

They decide to leave the 'most valuable employee' award they won last month.

The morning arrives before Kisha has any time to process their emotions. They pulled an all nighter to pack and check everything was good to go.

The movers arrive on time and whisk the boxes away. Kisha looks around one last time before locking up.

The driver waits patiently and Kisha hands the keys over. It really says something the company has their own moving company.

Kisha watches the truck drive away before heading to the station.

Kisha buys some noodles from the shop in a wall at the station. Its a cool enough day that the soup from the noodles warms them up.

The train arrives on time and Kisha breathes in deeply before boarding. Their job forced them to travel all over the country side. They really despise trains now.

They watch the station disappear into the distance before drawing the window blind. The blurring scenery makes their head spin now. Thinking about it is making them sick. They close their eyes and count to 100.

"Now approaching Outer Magn City" the operator blasts through the speaker.

Kisha opens their eyes and processes what's happening around them.

Opening the blind they are taken aback by the sight that greets them. Rows of 2 and 3 storey buildings line streets that go all the way to the horizon. The streets start leaving radially from the station before being cut by what looks like the main highway, elevated above the ground. The buildings then seem to follow a grid, expanding further out into the distance. They look down the railway tracks in the direction towards Magn City. They can scarcely make out the silhouette of a skyline, skyscrapers and massive apartment blocks seem to lie in wait.

The train begins to move. Kisha looks out to the suburbs below as they pass by. The people and cars moving about capture Kisha's imagination.

They spot a police car race past in the other direction, sirens flashing. A traffic jam catches their eye and they watch as it grows and shrinks around a corner.

The scenery breaks and a massive river cuts the suburbs away from sight. All Kisha can see is the highway continuing to run parallel. A massive green space fills the rest of their view and the river snacks its way into view every now and then.

The highway suddenly disappears as the train enters a tunnel. The air screaming outside is audible even through the train walls. Lights pass by every few seconds and after what feels like an eternity to Kisha they emerge.

An office building fills their view first. Its some distance away, allowing them to take in its size and details. They make out the people moving about inside and can see in the lower floors how the space is laid out.

Suddenly a billboard fills their view, its selling an unforgettable trip to the country. Its filled with the rolling landscapes Kisha has left behind. It almost ruins her day.

Thankfully the billboard disappears from site and Kisha catches the highway again. Its set against a backdrop of buildings of various size. All over 10 stories and going as high as the clouds. At least that's what Kisha imagines.

Some have full glass exteriors, others are made of concrete, with windows littered sparsely. Some buildings are well maintained but very plain, others look like they are in disrepair with holes and dents where material has been chipped away by time.

The train starts to slow and intricately designed buildings appear. The trains stops in front of one with wooden beams warped around a glass core. The way the wood grain bends feels unnatural as it wraps around a capsule shaped centre, holding it up. The roof is covered in greenery and there are some cameras setup on a far end capturing the train as it goes by.

The next few buildings have graffiti all over their sides. Some are just massive characters, someone's signature Kisha thinks. Others have paintings of nature, animals, celebrities, and abstract designs. Kisha could stare at these forever.

"We are now arriving at Magn City. The train terminates here."