Yuzu Days

WC 8: Sebastian

I knew Sebastian from work. We also hang out afterwork sometimes playing games together.

Its hard to know what to say at times like this. So I think I'll reflect a bit on our shared past. Maybe share what all this looks like from the other side. The outside.

Sebastian was a hard worker from the get go. I was only a few years his senior at our first company together. He was fresh out of University. Gave a very classic vibe. We see a lot of new faces like that, but a lot of them change over time. Usually in the first year, fitting into the corporate image and culture.

Sebastian rose the ranks fast. He was a real wizard at everything given to him. No technical challenge too great, no problem he couldn't out program. An invaluable asset to our team.

When he decided to move. Companies that is. I knew instinctively to follow him. Things would not only be hard without him, but where ever he was going would be or become a great place to work.

That didn't last long. He started becoming a bit reserved and moved home. I thought that'd be the end of it, but to my surprise a few years later I found him online trying to find some freelance work. I reached out and long story short partnered with him. I left my job and worked as a manager and co-worker, finding and securing projects and work to offer.

I remember the autumn things changed so clearly. I got used to the routine that had settled in. We'd have work meetings at least once a week, play games together twice a week. Sometimes we'd catch up and play games outside the normal times and he'd tell me about his friends or the latest comic he read.

I loved listening to his playthroughs of Solarian Chronicles. There's always a twist and he didn't always win. You never knew if it was a hero's tale or a tragedy waiting to happen.

One day he talked about this new person that arrived in town. Some city goer that inherited an abandoned farm. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I'm sure everyone here appreciates just how meaningful they became.

In Autumn an just another day I recall listening to him talk about that person more than usual. We were playing a game, but our cameras were on. His voice sounded more mellow than usual so I switched briefly to the cameras. His face had this soft and pleasant aura coming off. Even through the screen, I could tell this man had met someone. And then it hit me. Sebastian had been talking about them for months now. Little things here and there, a chance encounter on the mountains, a game of Solarian Chronicles with Sam, a gift of home cooking that happened to be his favourite dish delivered on his birthday.

It all clicked and started adding up. I laughed. Which, out of context, was very strange and caught Sebastian off guard. I gave no hints though and we continued on.

At some point he become more relaxed, more open, more happy I think. His work quality never dropped, but I could tell he wasn't spending as much time on each project, obsessing over every line and equation like he usually does.

The wedding came as no surprise. I had also maybe been following some of the townsfolk on Instapix. The festivals, landscapes, people all seemed so wonderful. I was not disappointed! Being invited into this other world was amazing and certainly changed my life and as it appeared, Sebastian's as well.

Well enough about me and Sebastian. I think all of you here know the rest of the story better than I.

Sebastian was the best programmer I ever met. The warmest person you could have the privilege to witness and he'll forever be in my thoughts.

Thanks for listening and giving me the space to share. The produce is great as always, best farm in the country I always say. Here's to remembering Sebastian.