Yuzu Days

WC1: Turbulence

The first time encountering turbulence on a plane, or at least what feels like it, is maybe during takeoff.

As I sit strapped to my seat, the plane lifts off, sometimes tilting a little or being pushed by the wind slightly. Despite the big metal tube you are in, the subtle movements can be felt.

I remember as a kid my dad would always hold our hand, sitting between me and my younger brother. He would give it a squeeze and as the plane started accelerating, the engines roaring to life, and the nose tipped up; I would squeeze back.

Then the seatbelt sign turns off and everything feels calm and controlled again.

Then we have a meal and watch a movie and on occasion the plane will shake a bit. I almost always have my seatbelt on so I'm never worried. If it continues long enough, intermitted or not, the captain comes on to explain its just turbulence. Sometimes a stray gust 'we're coming on some turbulence, please return to your seats. Hot drinks will not be served for the time being.', sometimes we are inside a storm cloud 'we're flying through some rough weather. Please return to your seats. Food and drink service will be suspended', often they turn on the seatbelt signs.

I think the most difficult thing for me, as I'm quite used to flying, is going to the toilet. Especially for 2s. I always wonder as I sit down what would happen if the seat belt sign goes on. What if I'm in the middle. What if there's really bad turbulence. Sometimes there's a little rocking when I'm on the toilet, but I haven't been caught with my pants down and had the light go on. It is a bit scary though when there's a little drop or shake.

Anyway that's turbulence. Part of a little writing challenge while my partner is away :)