Yuzu Days

WC12: A Letter

Dear Kage,

I'm sorry that I couldn't hand this to you in person. My parents said we needed to catch the earlier flight for our holiday. I'm a bit annoyed and will be thinking of you and all our classmates while in the air.

I hope graduation was fun, did you and Hiki buy some soft serve afterwards? Do send me the photos, I'll photoshop myself in too lol. I can't believe we've finished primary school already. 6 years has gone by so quickly.

Do you remember the first time we fought? It was arts and craft class and we both wanted the pink paper. I said making a sakura tree NEEDED the pink, but you kept saying your heart could only be pink. Then the paper ripped in two and we laughed so much. A good sign of our friendship to come.

I know you're moving after this so we can't go to secondary school together. Maybe we'll see each other again one day. We can always call each other online now. My parents said I'll get my own computer when I enter secondary school, for school work or something. I think I'll have the same email next year so you can let me know your new email that way.

I hope the move goes well. I miss you already. Its been such a fun few years. See you around.

Much platonic love,
Your best friend forever,
Thinking of you until we meet again,

Kumo (ˆ꜆ . ̫ . ). ̫ . ꜀ˆ)